Electronic version of the "Dictionary of Polish Orthodox Terminology" developed by a research team as part of the project of the National Program for the Development of Humanities. It contains a set of terms (words and word combinations) relating to faith, morality, religious life and the organization of the Orthodox Church, recorded in the general Polish language (regardless of their origin), as well as terms borrowed from Greek and Church Slavonic and used in Polish Orthodoxy. The electronic version of the dictionary has been supplemented with audio recordings of terms in Polish and Greek, Church Slavonic and English foreign language equivalents.The starting point for the work on the dictionary were contemporary paper sources. General dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries and lexicons, specialist dictionaries and lexicons, and literature on the subject grouped into three sections: law, doctrine and practice were analyzed. The terms excerpt was made on the basis of a corpus of 32 books and a database of supplementary literature. As a result, 9652 entries were initially extracted and became the subject of further research. The systematization, ordering of variants and synonyms as well as the removal of incorrect terms and incorrectly constructed borrowings resulted in the final development of 4003 entries and defined word combinations, the creation of three language indexes (Greek, Church Slavonic and English) and the Index of incorrect forms.The dictionary is intended not only for people who deal with Orthodox theology. It is addressed to a wide group of non-specialized audiences, both the faithful of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church and those readers who, not being Orthodox, are looking for information on the meaning of words and expressions related to Orthodoxy.Authors: ks. Wiesław Przyczyna, Fr. Marek Ławreszuk, Katarzyna Czarnecka, Fr. Jarosław Kupryjaniuk, Małgorzata Kurianowicz, Grzegorz Makal, Fr. Piotr Makal, Fr. Włodzimierz Misijuk, Anna Rygorowicz-Kuźma.Consultations: Archbishop Jakub Kostiuczuk, Fr. Jerzy Tofiluk, Lilia Citko.Periodically collaborated with: Marcin Abijski, Dariusz Kazimierowicz, Józef Kuffel.Editorial office: Michał Machura.Development and implementation of the electronic version: Infinity Group.Publication financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name "National Program for the Development of Humanities" in 2017-2022 project no. 0083 / NPRH5 / H11 / 84/2017.